2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Yeutter Kicks Off UNL Trade Center Fundraiser

Cindy Zimmerman

yuetterFormer agriculture secretary and trade ambassador Clayton Yeutter was honored at the Agri-Pulse Ag Day event last week in Washington DC, the day after he made a $2.5 million dollar commitment to establish an international trade and finance institute at his alma mater, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL).

“We want to endow some chairs in agriculture, business and law,” said Yeutter. “What I want to do to have a lasting legacy beyond my days on this earth is to have students focus on things international.”

The endowed chairs will allow the university to hire leading faculty members in the areas of international trade and finance. One of the three chairs will lead the effort as director of the institute, with responsibility for ensuring a coordinated international focus on the teaching and research activities of all three colleges.

Chuck enjoyed getting a chance to catch up with Clayton at the Agri-Pulse event after he received a special tribute and standing ovation from those in attendance.

Interview with Clayton Yeutter

Agri-Pulse Farm to Fork Politics Photo Album

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Coverage of National Ag Day Activities is sponsored by Growmark
Agri-Pulse, Audio, Trade, University