2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Farmers Unite to Fight Organic Attack Video

Cindy Zimmerman

Both conventional and organic farmers joined together last week on social media to criticize a video that uses cute kids to attack modern farming practices.

The YouTube video was produced by a group called Only Organic and features children acting out a school play singing “Old McDonald had a Farm” with lyrics about pesticides and GMOs and hormones and antibiotics.

USFRAIn response to the video, a diverse group of farmers representing all types of production practices responded with one voice during an Only Organic Twitter party last week to “celebrate the video”. According to U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance CEO Randy Krotz, the farmers criticized the video for being misleading and unfair and called for an end of “farmer bashing.”

“We have farmers that grow both organic and conventional crops,” said Krotz. “It’s concerning to see people trying to demonize today’s agriculture and promote only their type of food production.”

Krotz says they are reaching out to Only Organic and food companies that support the organization to engage in dialogue rather than attacks. “Farmers and ranchers have the tools to tell their stories, even in hostile environments,” he said. “And organic and conventional farmers who respect each other are beginning to work together to make sure that truthful information gets to consumers.”

Listen to an interview with Randy about USFRA’s response to the video here: Interview with Randy Krotz, USFRA

Audio, Biotech, USFRA