2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Deere Smaller Self-Propelled Sprayer at #Classic15

Taylor Truckey

16642314056_09187509b1_mDoug Felter, with John Deere, was excited to chat about John Deere’s newer sprayer series, especially the newest model; the JD R4023. The R4023 was first released at National Farm Machinery Show. In the past two years, Deere’s entire sprayer line has been updated to the 4 series which offers expanded storage capacity along with a complete redesign on sprayer booms and nozzles. It seemed the most enticing aspects of the newly released R4023 were the smaller size that allows for producers to work in tighter fields with irregular boundaries, and the updated “creature comforts”. For Commodity Classic attendees who spend hours in a sprayer at a time, the updates in the cab are welcome!

“The premium cab package on the R4023 offers conveniences like an updated stereo system, bluetooth capabilities, and a heated, ventilated leather seat, which for those guys spraying 14-16 hours, they can do it in a lot more comfort,” says Felter.

Another value-added aspect of the the new sprayers, when paired with the MyJohnDeere portal, is that it will only enhance grower relations with their trusted advisors. “Producers who don’t do their own spraying can get their retailers connected to the MyJohnDeere portal, so producers can share harvest or other data with them for prescription purposes,” Felter added. For more information, contact your local John Deere dealership.

Interview with Doug Felter, John Deere

2015 Commodity Classic Photo Album

Audio, Commodity Classic, Equipment, John Deere