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AgNerd Cloud – USB Chargers

Chuck Zimmerman

Anker 60W 6-Port USB ChargerHello multi-gadget AgNerds. With those come the need for multi-USB charging! How many of you when you travel get to a hotel room with a lack of power outlets much less USB ports to plug into? It can be very frustrating.

That’s why I purchased an Anker 60W 6-Port Family-Sized Desktop USB Charger. Got mine on Amazon Prime for $35. When I get home from the agriblogging highway my gadget batteries all need to be charged. I fill all six ports and get the job done quickly. Right now it’s charging my iPhone 6, Mini S4 and iPad Air.

On the road I carry an Anker Astro E7 25600mAh External Battery. This monster charges three devices at once with plenty of power to spare.

There are lots and lots of choices today for mobile power. I go for maximum capacity and outlets and Anker has been a proven quality product for me. If you’ve got other brands let me know what your favorite is in comments.

BTW. I have power outlet plug in covers that contain both power and USB ports and double and single USB port chargers scattered around ZimmComm World Headquarters in strategic places!
