RFA Ethanol Podcast

PR Newswire Blog Highlights Ag Blogs

Jamie Johansen

Screen Shot 2015-03-02 at 11.35.01 AMEach week PR Newswire’s blog, Beyond Bylines, publishes Blog Profiles. The section dedicates a post on an industry or subject and a handful of sites that do a good job with promoting, contributing, and blogging about the given topic. PR Newswire media relations manager Christine Cube, serves as it’s author and we were excited about her most recent subject matter.

Christine said she has caught Spring Fever and started thinking about vegetable gardens. This inspired her to start looking into agriculture and farming blogs. Our AgWired Team was excited to see our name on her list of blogs to highlight. I am sure many of you have checked out the others on the list, but if not, you should do so. They include: The Progressive Farmer’s Machinery Chatter, Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog, FarmPolicy.com and Organic Farming Blog.

Ag Groups, ZimmComm Announcement