2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Coalition Tells Congress to Reject Farm Bill Cuts

John Davis

nfu-smallA coalition of nearly 400 organizations, including the National Farmers Union (NFU), is calling for Congress to reject efforts to make additional cuts to the 2014 Farm Bill. The NFU and the coalition of groups, representing family farmers and ranchers, agribusiness, food banks, environmental and faith-based organizations, sent a letter to U.S. Senate and House leaders asking them to stop the cuts.

“The 2014 Farm Bill required over three years of debate in both chambers of Congress and ultimately ended with the consolidation of over 100 programs and cuts to mandatory spending across many titles, including the elimination of the direct payment program,” noted the letter, sent to the chairman and ranking member of the Senate and House Budget Committees. “These cuts came in addition to those already in effect due to sequestration.”

The letter noted that the bipartisan Farm Bill was estimated to contribute $23 billion to deficit reduction over 10 years, when including sequestration. “These difficult cuts were made across the farm safety net, conservation programs, and nutrition programs,” noted the letter, which was sent late yesterday.

The signators underscored their united opposition to re-opening any title of the Farm Bill during the consideration of the 2016 Budget Resolution and urged both chambers to refrain from including reconciliation instructions to the respective committees with oversight duties for the Farm Bill.

NFU President Roger Johnson said the 2014 Farm Bill “was a great victory for America’s family farmers and ranchers” and a big win for taxpayers. He added that it is legislation that has already been debated and passed and should be left alone.

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Farm Bill, politics