2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF Celebrates 150 Years of Science

Cindy Zimmerman

basf-science-15-scott-ajSince 2015 marks the 150th anniversary of BASF, our friends with BASF Crop Protection are pleased to kick off this anniversary year in the U.S. with the 9th annual media symposium, the Science Behind the Right Chemistry, prior to the official start of Commodity Classic in Phoenix, Arizona. Opening the big event was Technical Crop Production Specialist AJ Woodyard and Vice President for US Crop Protection Scott Kay.

BASF was founded in 1865 as Badische Anilin und Soda-Fabrik (hence the BASF acronym) in Ludwigshafen, Germany, and since that time has played a key role in turning family farms into the modern operations they are today.

basf-science-15-rheaJoining the Science Behind event via Skype from RTP headquarters, where he said there was a “blizzard” underway, was Senior VP Crop Protection Paul Rea. “Conscientious care toward the environment and society are two of the reasons for our long-term success,” said Rea. “Sustainability is a core value that has supported our growth since 1865 into the world’s largest chemical company, and will take us into the next 150 years.”

Rea told us that from 2015 to 2019, BASF Crop Protection plans to introduce 45 new products to help growers increase yield potential and grow more and better crops. The new products will join the already big BASF portfolio of industry-leading products including Priaxor® fungicide, Xanthion™ In-furrow fungicide, Limus® nitrogen management, Kixor® herbicide technology, and Engenia™ herbicide, which will be BASF’s most advanced formulation of dicamba. Engenia herbicide is expected to receive U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registration this year.

Listen to Paul Rea via Skype at #ScienceBehind15 here: BASF Senior VP Crop Protection Paul Rea

Stay tuned to find out what’s new from this 150 year old company!

2015 BASF Science Behind Photos

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Crop Protection