2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

The Changing Climate from CIRB

Jamie Johansen

cirb-15-evelyn-browning-garissEvelyn Browning-Gariss, The Browning Newsletter, is a historical climatologist who advices the masses about what the coming season will bring. She has spent over 30 years explaining the impact of changing climate on economic and social trends. During last week’s Crop Insurance & Reinsurance Bureau’s annual meeting, Evelyn talked to attendees about what they can expect from a changing climate.

“When you look at climate. The oceans aren’t the elephant in the room, The oceans make up 70% of the Earth’s surface. They are the room, we are in it. What has happened is in 1995 the Atlantic got hotter and in 2006 the Pacific began to trend colder. As a result it has changed the way energy is distributed around Earth. When the oceans change, they change the conditions for us on land.”

She shared that when experts talk about manmade global warming, they are talking about more long-term. But what she is looking for when she advices farmers is what is going to impact the climate for them just three months out. “I have yet to see a farmer or insurance person, who if given three months warning could not figure out a good way to position themselves.”

“One of the things I am seeing is it looks like it is going to return to very dry. No matter how much rain California gets, it’s going to continue to see drought. The Midwest, it looks like after an initial cold Spring, will see it heat up. Farmers are going to see climate very similar to 2010, not that bad. Brace yourself, it may be near normal.”

Listen to Chuck’s complete interview with Evelyn here: Interview with Evelyn Browning-Gariss, The Browning Newsletter

2015 Crop Insurance & Reinsurance Bureau Annual Meeting Photo Album

Coverage of the Crop Insurance & Reinsurance Bureau Annual Meeting is sponsored by
Coverage of the Crop Insurance & Reinsurance Bureau Annual Meeting is sponsored by RCIS
Ag Groups, Audio, CIRB, Farming, Insurance