2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Proposed Crop Insurance Cuts Concern Ag Groups

Cindy Zimmerman

A coalition of more than 30 agricultural, banking and insurance organizations are concerned about the President’s proposed budget cuts to some elements of crop insurance. The group sent a letter to Congressional leaders this week to highlight the importance of crop insurance and how it can save consumers money and help farmers recover from weather disasters.

cirb-15-asaThe American Soybean Association (ASA) was among the groups that signed the letter, and ASA lobbyist Bev Paul says the president has proposed cutting crop insurance in previous budgets. “While Congress has not acted on his proposals in years past, just the fact that people are still focusing on farm programs in general to achieve budget savings, when we’ve already cut $23 billion out of farm programs in recent years, is just a continuing concern,” she said during an interview at the Crop Insurance & Reinsurance Bureau Annual Meeting this week. Interview with Bev Paul, ASA lobbyist

The letter sent to Congress states that “Budget levels currently in place for crop insurance ensure the affordability and availability of risk protection, while maintaining the viability of private-sector delivery. Arbitrary funding reductions only weaken the system and ultimately shift risk exposure back to taxpayers.”

2015 Crop Insurance & Reinsurance Bureau Annual Meeting Photo Album

Coverage of the Crop Insurance & Reinsurance Bureau Annual Meeting is sponsored by
Coverage of the Crop Insurance & Reinsurance Bureau Annual Meeting is sponsored by RCIS
Ag Groups, ASA, Audio, CIRB, Insurance