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Veteran Ag Journalist Joins Agri-Pulse Team

Jamie Johansen

EdMaixner copyAgri-Pulse is pleased to announce that award-winning veteran agricultural journalist Ed Maixner is a contributing editor, effective Jan. 5.

Maixner most recently served as editor of the Kiplinger Agricultural Letter and as food and agribusiness editor for other Kiplinger publications. Before joining Kiplinger, he wrote and edited for Farm Progress Companies.

Before Farm Progress, Maixner served as an associate director for Western States Foundation, a nonprofit organization devoted to bipartisan policy on western regional issues, including natural resources, environment, and agriculture. He was also a legislative assistant to former U.S. Senator Bryon Dorgan of North Dakota. Prior to serving on Dorgan’s staff, Maixner spent two decades as a journalist covering agriculture and other topics.

“It’s exciting to have Ed join us as a regular contributor, after stepping down from a distinguished career with Kiplinger’s ag newsletter,” said Sara Wyant, Agri-Pulse Editor and Publisher. “He led the Washington Bureau at Farm Progress Companies when I was vice president for editorial there. We’re pleased to have a journalist with his experience, expertise and connections contributing to Agri-Pulse.”

Maixner earned his bachelor of arts degree at North Dakota State University and a master of arts in journalism at The Ohio State University, where he was awarded a Kiplinger Fellowship in Public Affairs Reporting. He was awarded the Truth in Journalism Award from the American Corn Growers and the J.S. Russell Memorial Award from the North American Agricultural Journalists for agricultural reporting. In addition, Maixner received a first place team story award from the American Agricultural Editors Association for coverage of what the 9-11 attacks would mean for American agriculture.

Agri-Pulse, Agribusiness