2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF Wins Two ‘Product of the Year’ Awards

Jamie Johansen

basf_edited-1BASF was recognized as the winner of two ‘Product of the Year’ awards at the 23rd Annual National No-Tillage Conference in Cincinnati. Headline AMP® fungicide won for the ninth consecutive time in the fungicides category, and Sharpen® herbicide won for the second consecutive time in the herbicides category.

“Headline AMP fungicide continues to be the fungicide market leader for corn growers, delivering more bushels per acre than any other product on the market,” said Caren Schmidt, Ph.D., Technical Marketing Manager, BASF. “Headline AMP fungicide has set the industry standard for disease control and Plant Health in corn crops.”

On-farm field trials from 2013 show Headline AMP fungicide delivers 11.7 bu/A more than untreated corn. In addition, 83 percent of the National Corn Growers Association’s (NCGA) 2013 National Yield Contest Winners used a BASF fungicide on their operation in 2013.

Sharpen herbicide drives burndown of tough weeds three-to-five times faster than 2,4-D or glyphosate – an important feature for many no-till growers.

Sharpen herbicide is powered by Kixor® herbicide technology, which features a unique chemistry that provides foliar and soil activity on today’s toughest weeds.

“An effective burndown is important for fighting resistant weeds in no-till fields,” said Mark Oostlander, Technical Market Manager, BASF. “Sharpen herbicide controls over 70 broadleaf weeds, including glyphosate-resistant weeds, and gives growers a clean start so they can stay clean throughout the season and increase yield potential.”

The No-Till Product of the Year award winners are selected each year by No-Till Farmer readers. No-till and conservation tillage growers vote for the products most valuable to their farming operation in 13 different categories, including fungicide and herbicide products of the year.

Agribusiness, BASF, Fungicide, Herbicide