send news release today

New Chairman of the Ag Retailers Association

Chuck Zimmerman

Dave DuFaultNow that we’ve heard from the past Chairman let’s hear from the new Chairman of the Agricultural Retailers Association. He’s Dave DuFault, Simplot, pictured on the left presenting a gift to now past Chairman Gary Farrell.

Before the ceremonies took place I talked with Dave. In the coming year Dave says ARA will continue to move forward with the ResponsibleAg program that has just kicked so that retailers can now get registered via the website. Dave also will be looking at communication. “How do we take what we’re doing and just not keep it within our industry but also take it outside our industry to create a better image of what we do everyday.”

Dave also wants to pitch next year’s convention in Palm Desert, CA. I hope to be there!

Listen to my interview with Dave here: Interview with Dave DuFault of Simplot, ARA Chair

2014 ARA Convention & Expo Photo Album

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, ARA, Audio