2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Make Your Message More Personal

Chuck Zimmerman

Julie BorlaugDuring her presentation at the Bayer CropScience Corn and Soybean Future Forum Julie Borlaug told the audience they are not doing a good job of communicating what they are doing to the broad general consuming audience. That raised a few eyebrows.

What she suggests is making message more personal and not so polarizing as we sometimes see with the GMO debate as a good example. Activists are using emotion to make their points and I think we need to get emotion in our messaging too. That doesn’t exclude including scientific information. Julie has an example in our interview.

Listen to my interview with Julie here: Interview with Julie Borlaug

2014 Bayer CropScience Corn & Soybean Future Forum Photos

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Social Media, Social Networking