2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

FS HiSOY® Celebrates 50 Years of Legacy

Jamie Johansen

Screen Shot 2014-09-19 at 10.22.26 AMFor 50 years now, FS HiSOY has stood for cutting edge innovation, superior quality and consistent performance. These key components are the foundation in which the HiSOY Legacy was built.

“We’ve been innovators since the early days,” said John Earley, a retired FS Crop Specialist. HiSOY began its journey in 1965 by being the first proprietary soybean made available. Since then, science and technology has changed the agriculture industry by leaps and bounds, but HiSOY has used these advancements to become leaders in the field for the past 50 years.

In 1996, the Roundup Ready trait was adopted, helping FS growers to yield more bushels per acre. In 2010, HiSOY began offering the Genuity Roundup Ready® 2 Yield trait technology that was developed to deliver more yield and profit potential to farmers, while maintaining the same Roundup Ready® weed control benefits. These cutting edge advancements allow FS to offer full agronomic packages to growers.

FS HiSOY’s excellence continues to be driven by the infrastructure of local FS Crop Specialists and local research which gives the ability to develop and market soybeans that perform on local growers farms. Additionally, HiSOY sources genetics from multiple leading companies that allows for the selection of the very best soybean genetics that the industry has to offer. FS works with leading trait providers to bring growers the latest and best trait options to help make their businesses more profitable. Today, HiSOY is keeping up with the ever-changing times and will soon be offering new advanced herbicide traits such as Enlist, Extends and Glyphosate, helping growers to maximize every acre.

FS HiSOY soybeans continue to have a legacy all their own. Eldon Turley, a fourth generation HiSOY grower can attest to that. “We will continue to plant HiSOY beans because of their proven performance, consistent results, disease resistant traits and the agronomic support and services from our South Central FS Cooperative.”

Many things have changed since 1965, but one thing has stayed the same; the HiSOY brand remains committed to pointing the way forward and improving growers’ profitability by continuously developing and delivering cutting edge products.

With their golden anniversary right around the corner, FS HiSOY will be celebrating not only the success of the brand, but also those who helped get them there. Several exciting things are planned throughout 2015.

Agribusiness, Crop Protection, FS System, GROWMARK, Soybean