RFA Ethanol Podcast

New Holland Officially Unveils New CR Series Combines

Chuck Zimmerman

New Holland CR Series CombineThis morning New Holland is holding a press conference in Berlin, Germany via Twitter primarily using the #NHharvest2014 hashtag. It is mostly about the new CR Series combines topped by the CR 10.90. Presenting is Carlo Lambro Brand, President. Here are a few of the tweets so far:

Award-winning Cursor 16 engine developed by #FPTIndustrial that powers the new CR 10.90 #NHharvest2014

We also extended our offering with the launch of the highest capacity combine in the world #NEWCR #NHharvest2014

#NEWCR range: enter a new harvesting dimension- up to 15% more productivity in small grains #NHharvest2014 http://goo.gl/P7BnJY

We gave the CR combines more horsepower than any other combine available on the market today #NHharvest2014 pic.twitter.com/0Nug5S41VU

Learn more by clicking on the hashtag link above.

Agribusiness, Equipment, Harvest, New Holland