RFA Ethanol Podcast

How BASF Innovation Yields Results

Cindy Zimmerman

basf-media14-peterInnovation and new technology are what have enabled farmers to continue feeding a growing population throughout history, and BASF Plant Science President Peter Eckes says that is what will take us into the future.

“Ag is a great place to be and I think if you look at the last 100 years, technology has driven that,” said Eckes. “That has been a great story and I do not see an end to that.”

Eckes says BASF is proud to be an innovator and to partner with other innovative companies like Monsanto to bring new technologies to market such as the Genuity® DroughtGard™ Hybrids. “Monsanto is our most important partner,” said Eckes. “It had a great reception last year in the western part of the corn belt where you see a lot of drought. The product showed an average five bushel per acre advantage. This is good news for our growers.”

Eckes also spoke about work being done to develop newer and better fungicides and herbicides in this interview. Interview with Peter Eckes, BASF

2014 BASF Ag Media Summit Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Crop Protection, Crop Science