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NCGA President Kicks off CUTC

Cindy Zimmerman

cutc-14-martinThe 2014 Corn Utilization and Technology Conference is underway today in Louisville, Kentucky and last night National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) president Martin Barbre welcomed attendees to the semi-annual event that this year focuses on wet and dry milling technologies and new uses.

Barbre says the event brings together researchers with the common goal of facilitating the next ground-breaking technologies and corn-based products of the future. “It’s a great place for researchers to see what others are doing,” he said. “We also have a very good international focus with visitors and attendees from all four corners of the world.”

Chuck had chance to chat with Martin this morning about CUTC as well as some other important issues of interest to corn farmers, such as the newly passed Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA), the EPA’s proposed Waters of the United States rule, and exports. Interview with NCGA president Martin Barbre

2014 CUTC Photo Album

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, CUTC, NCGA, Research