RFA Ethanol Podcast

Great American Wheat Harvest Premier

Chuck Zimmerman

Great American Wheat HarvestThe National Premier Screening of The Great American Wheat Harvest movie took place yesterday as the first of many National Ag Day activities. On hand were the stars of the documentary that include:

Jim Deibert – JKD Harvesting
Jim & Tracy Zeorian – Jim Zeorian Harvesting
Dan, Kristy, & Emma Misener – Misener Family Harvesting
Lee Petersen – L. Petersen Farms
Eric Wolgemuth – Wolgemuth Harvesting

I spoke with this group of awesome and passionate custom harvesters before the film premier. I asked them about their experience of being filmed for the project. They all really enjoyed working with the producer, Conrad Weaver, and believe he truly captured their livelihood as it really is. They hope the non-farm public will feel what they feel.

You can listen to my interview with the harvesters here:Interview with Custom Harvesters

The film is now ready for prime time and Conrad is busy working on distribution. Later this year we’ll also be able to order a copy of the movie. I’ll announce that when we get the details.

You can find photos from all National Ag Day activities online here: 2014 Ag Day Photo Album

Coverage of National Ag Day is sponsored by BCS Communications

Ag Day, Audio, Harvest, Wheat