RFA Ethanol Podcast

2014 Bayer Sustainability Award

Kristin Liska

bayer-aif14-awardDuring the ninth annual Ag Issues Forum last week, Bryan Boll of Minnesota was the recipient of the 2014 Bayer Young Farmer Sustainability Award. Bryan believes the key to sustainability is to look at your operation individually and see areas in which you can improve.

I interviewed Bryan about the award and what sustainability means to him. Interview with Bryan Boll, Bayer 2014 sustainability award winner

Bryan is the fourth recipient of this award. Pictured with him here are 2013 winner Jeremy Jack of Mississippi on the left, and the CEO and president of Bayer CropScience LP, Jim Blome.

Jeremy also participated on a panel during the Ag Issues Forum on how today’s farmer CEO are re-shaping modern agriculture. He believes “sustainability has got to be the action plan” for every farmer in the future. Interview with Jeremy Jack, Bayer 2013 sustainability award winner

Below is a video that introduces Bryan and what he does on his operation.

bayer-issues-button2014 Bayer CropScience Ag Issues Forum Photos

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Crop Science, Sustainability, Video