RFA Ethanol Podcast

FMC’s Anthem Singing Contest Supports Youth in Ag

Jamie Johansen

nfms-14-14FMC is investing in farming’s future with their new Anthem® and Anthem® ATZ herbicides and $25,000 in college scholarships as prizes in their third annual Anthem Singing Contest. Chuck spoke with Paul Redhage with FMC about this once in a life-time opportunity for students across the county.

“It’s our third year and has grown each year. The first year we had about 160 students and over 200 the second year that entered. We have done some pre-recording to get ready for year three in two different ways. We showed up here in the fall for the National FFA Convention. We acquired a sound booth and we had over 400 FFA students enter the contest. We brought that same booth here to the National Farm Machinery Show.”

The contest doesn’t officially start until March 1st. Students across the county can enter by simply recording themselves singing the National Anthem using their smart phones or digital cameras. Then they can upload it to FMCcrop.com/contest. Voting takes place this summer online to determine finalists. FMC will bring the four finalist and their families to Nashville to record in the House of Blues recording studio. Then, the grand prize winner is selected through another online voting poll.

“FMC comes up with a lot of new products. So we are investing in farmings future with new products that we offer to farmers. We looked at what are the other kinds of ways we can invest in farmings future and the youth in agriculture is one of those definite ways. The contest was basically born with that in mind.”

Chuck also got a chance to talk with one of those students who took advantage of the pre-recording opportunity at the farm show, Nathan Chambers, from West Virginia. Nathan has been playing the guitar and singing for about four years now and involved in music since he was very little.

“I was walking around and somebody from my school gave me a pamphlet and told be to go sing. I am a junior in high school and if I can sing I plan on joining the army.”

You can listen to the interview with Paul here: Interview with Paul Redhage

You can listen to the interview with Nathan here: Interview with Nathan Chambers

National Farm Machinery Show Photo Album

Coverage of the National Farm Machinery Show is sponsored by FMC and New Holland Agriculture
Agribusiness, Audio, Farm Shows, FMC, Herbicide, NFMS