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United Soybean Board Director at NFMS

Anna Leigh Peek

Winters USBThe Kentucky Soybean Board had a booth at the National Farm Machinery Show last week and I had the opportunity to stop by and visit with Doug Winter, a Kentucky grower who serves as a director on the United Soybean Board (USB). 

Winters has been busy with his role on the board for the Center of Food Integrity and his work as the International Lead with the Freedom to Operate Group at USB.

I asked him about the report from USDA last week that farm income is expected to be down 26% in 2014. “I think the American farmer will have to sharpen his pencil a little bit more this year” said Winter. “After you have ridden the roller coaster a few times you start to realize you cannot put too much stock in $16 corn and $8 soybeans, because it will change.”

Listen to my interview with Doug here: Interview with Doug Winter, United Soybean Board

National Farm Machinery Show Photo Album

Coverage of the National Farm Machinery Show is sponsored by FMC and New Holland Agriculture


Audio, Farming, National Farm Machinery Show, NFMS, Soybean, USB