2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

ZimmGlass in the Woods

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmGlassThis past weekend I had another Crystal Pig Hunt Club woods experience. I did not see any deer but the time in the woods is always wonderful.

This year I carried along my new Glass from Google to keep learning it and thinking about ways to incorporate into my agriblogging work flow. Here’s my Glass being recharged with a Monsanto Ground Breakers mobile charger. I have noticed that the Glass battery doesn’t last as long as I’m used to with my phone. That’s why these mobile chargers come in so handy.

Earlier in the day I shot a video clip with my “ZimmGlass” as a test. It presents some issues like the need to keep your head still since it is not on a tripod and it’s so easy to move your head around without thinking.

Several of you have already contacted me about our ZimmGlass Project and I will continue writing about my experience with it. So far, I am positive and will be taking it on the road with me this coming weekend to the American Farm Bureau Federation convention in San Antonio.

Hunting, Video