2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

American Lamb Road Map

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Lamb Board knows where it’s going and how it’s going to get there.

american-lambAfter over a year of research, analysis, and industry input, the American Lamb Board is proud to announce the release of the Final Lamb Industry Roadmap presentation. Created through collaboration and consultation from all sectors of the industry, the Lamb Industry Roadmap is owned by the entire American Lamb Industry.

road-lambThe Lamb Industry Roadmap will address key goals including improving the quality and consistency of American lamb, increasing demand, improving industry productivity and collaboration.

American Lamb Board Chairman Dan Lippert says their objective is to implement meaningful strategies that will “significantly strengthen the American Lamb industry and increase demand for our products.”

The final Roadmap presentation is now available on the checkoff website and a written report will also be released later this month.

Livestock, Meat