2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

AFBF Annual Convention Around the Corner

Jamie Johansen

afbf-maceThe 2014 American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) Annual Convention is right around the corner in San Antonio, TX. January 12-15 marks the organizations 95th convention and the event is expected to attract 6,000 farmers and ranchers from across the country.

Cindy caught up with AFBF’s Mace Thornton, Director of Communications, during the National Association of Farm Broadcasting’s Convention where he shared more about the event and how the organization shares their message with grassroots members nationwide.

“This is the culmination of our annual grassroots policy development process. We take a lot of pride at Farm Bureau with the positions we have that all start at the county level with individual farmers. Those policy positions make their way up to the state level and then those with national implications make it to our meeting. It really is amazing that farmers with all types of farms, all areas of the country can come together and agree on policy positions.”

Austin, TX based western swing band, Asleep at the Wheel, will perform during the event. Attendees will also have the opportunity to see Josh Turner and James Wesley in concert as well. For more information on the convention visit AFBF website.

Mace also shared how Farm Bureau is staying on the cutting edge of communications. This includes providing members with information that they can take and build their own personal stories with to help educate and share with others.

Listen to Cindy’s complete interview with Mace here: Interview with Mace Thornton, ABFB Communications Director

Checkout photos from NAFB Convention: 2013 NAFB Convention Photo Album

AFBF, Ag Groups, Audio, Farming