2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Utilizing Vaccinations for PRRS Virus

Jamie Johansen

BI-PRRS-13-109-editedBoehringer Ingelheim provided the opportunity for the big questions to be asked about the PRRS virus during their recent PRRS Seminar in Chicago. Swine Vet Center’s, Dr. Tim Loula, shared his insight into effective PRRS protocols and how to better utilize ARC programs.

Dr. Loula said that the current vaccination for PRRS could be better, but right now it’s all producers have. His suggestion to this dilemma is a simple mandatory vaccination program nationwide. He also shared that starting local is key and thats the producers and veterinarians. Then it can extend to institutions and the allied industry.

“I made a point in my presentation that we need to be bigger, bolder and have some kind of enforcement mechanism. Maybe the producers themselves vote that they are going to do this on a national level if we are going to see any kind of minimization of the effects of PRRS.”

Listen to my complete interview with Tim here: Interview with Dr. Tim Loula, Swine Vet Center

Here are photos from the event:2013 BIVI PRSS ARC&E Seminar Photo Album

Agribusiness, Animal Health, Audio, Boehringer Ingelheim, Swine, Veterinary