RFA Ethanol Podcast

AgMazing 500 Receives Farm Bureau Award

Jamie Johansen

Screen Shot 2013-12-10 at 9.41.22 AMMembers from Cook, Marshall-Putnam and Randolph counties are among 24 County Activities of Excellence (CAE) Program winners chosen from 123 national entries. This is the second straight year for Illinois Farm Bureau to have three CAE winners.The CAE program acknowledges and shares successful county Farm Bureau programs and activities focusing on education and ag promotion, member services, public relations and information, leadership development and policy implementation.

The award winners displayed their programs at the Illinois Farm Bureau annual meeting in Chicago Dec. 7-10. They will reprise their role in January at the American Farm Bureau Federation annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas.

Randolph Country members hosted the AgMazing 500 Congressional Tour and Reception, August 21-23, 2013. Traveling 187 miles to six locations with the help of 42 volunteers in three days translated into an “agmazing” adventure for 15 Congressional staff from four states hosted by Randolph County members. Legislative staff learned firsthand about grain handling and fertilizer facilities, beverage manufacturing, farming and Mississippi River transportation issues. Participants formed five teams of bipartisan members to daily compete in Amazing Race-style games, providing them an opportunity to build lasting friendships. Randolph County members believe the event helped them build stronger relationships with legislative staff members and empowered staffers to be a voice for agriculture in Congress.

Ryan Ford, Manager of the Randolph County Farm Bureau, accepted the award in Chicago and will also in San Antonio. He deserves a big pat on the back for his commitment and efforts with this event.

AFBF, Ag Groups