RFA Ethanol Podcast

Giving Thanks for Affordable Food

Cindy Zimmerman

turkeyWhen we sit down this week to tables heaping with delicious food, we should all take a moment to reflect upon how blessed we are to live in a land of abundant and affordable food.

We have seen stories this year about food costs being higher, often blaming last year’s drought and ethanol production, but in fact our Thanksgiving meal this year is cheaper than it was last year, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 28th annual price survey.

Adding up the classic items on the Thanksgiving Day dinner table, AFBF found the average cost of this year’s feast for 10 is $49.04 – 44 cents less than a year ago. That means the average American’s feast of turkey, bread stuffing, sweet potatoes, rolls with butter, peas, cranberries, a relish tray of carrots and celery, pumpkin pie with whipped cream, and beverages of coffee and milk costs less than a popcorn at the movie theater these days!

“The cost of this year’s meal, at less than $5 per serving, remains an excellent value for consumers,” said AFBF President Bob Stallman, a rice and cattle producer from Texas. “America’s farm and ranch families are honored to produce the food from our nation’s land for family Thanksgiving celebrations.”

On Thanksgiving and every day of the year, let’s remember to celebrate, enjoy and be grateful for the abundance of our great nation! #FoodThanks!

AFBF, Ag Groups, Food