It looks like the Best of NAMA judging is in full swing. Here’s a photo of the regional judges in Kansas City from the NAMA Facebook page.
Net up are the regional award banquets. Here’s information from the NAMA calendar:
January 16, 2014
Region 2 Best Of NAMA Awards Banquet
Boulevard Brewing Co., Kansas City, MO
January 21, 2014
Carolinas/Virginia Best of NAMA Awards Ceremony
Hamner Conference Center, Research Triangle Pk, NC
January 23, 2014 (tentative)
Region 4 Best of NAMA Awards Banquet
Harley Davidson Museum Center, Milwaukee, WI
January 30, 2014 (tentative)
Region 3 Best of NAMA Awards Banquet
Target Field, Minneapolis, MN
Check with the NAMA office for updates and details. And remember that you will be registered to win an iPad mini if you recruit a new member before Dec. 9.