2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

#FarmBill Trends on Twitter

Cindy Zimmerman

fb-confPeople actually seemed to be paying attention to the first House Senate Conference Committee meeting on the farm bill Wednesday. #FarmBill was a trending topic on Twitter for awhile during the meeting. There were lots of tweets on the King amendment regarding interstate commerce of agricultural products since HSUS is opposed to it, and also plenty of #SNAP comments. There have also pretty fair number of stories on why the farm bill matters in the mainstream media, creating some hysteria about milk being $9 a gallon if they can’t get a farm bill done.

Here are some of the top tweets during the farm bill conference:
Stabenow kicks off #FarmBill conference: “It’s been a long time in coming, but we are here.”
House Ag. Chairman Lucas “It may take days and weeks… but we can do it. We have to do it.”
@SenatorLeahy says he could show everyone “the scars” of seven farm bill conferences.
Rep. Collin Peterson says conference committee will get a #farmbill done if they are left alone to do their work.
Pat Roberts: “… and the lesser prairie chicken. God bless the lesser prairie chicken.”
Sen. Roberts: “We’re going to lose credibility if we don’t get this #farmbill done. We have to get this bill done.”
Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN) on farm bill: This has been going on too long. It’s long past time to finish this farm bill.
Sen. Tom Harkin “This is my eighth farm bill I’ve worked on.”
Only in D.C. would #FarmBill be trending. What happened to #whatever?
Rep. Tim Walz (D-MN): “You can’t eat websites.” #farmbill
@ConawayTX11 says on #farmbill “We better not screw up crop insurance.
Rep Schrader calls King Amendment and House GOP nutrition proposals “poison pills” #farmbill
Rep McGovern, D-Mass: “I am willing to be flexible, I am willing to compromise…But I will not support a #farmbill that makes hunger worse”

Listen to a montage here: Farm Bill Conference Quotes

Audio, Farm Bill