RFA Ethanol Podcast

People Who Love Bugs Who Eat Bugs

Chuck Zimmerman

Pest ManagementThe past president of the Canadian Farm Writers’ Federation, Tamara Leigh, shows off her Bekina Boots in this photo with several researchers. Tamara was presenting them with a thank you gift for taking time to meet with us. We were assembled in the Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre during a stop on our CFWF farm tour. The Centre conducts research into integrated pest management, horticultural practices and nutrient management in berries, field crops and greenhouse vegetables.

One of the presenters is Dave Gillespie who spoke on his research as a guy who likes bugs who eat bugs. He mainly did this through answering questions.

You can listen to the presentation here: Pest Management Research

2013 Canadian Farm Writers’ Federation Photo Album

Audio, Crop Protection, International