2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Dupont Pioneers Local & Global Presence

Jamie Johansen

fps-13-803-editedIf you missed the Dupont Pioneer pavilion during the 2013 Farm Progress Show then you had your blinders on. The huge exhibit brought attendees into an air-conditioned environment to view their state-of-the-art technology for growers to take advantage of globally.

Senior Marketing Manager, Luke Davies, talked with me in their exhibit to shed some light on their growing product line and give a glimpse of what those who strolled through their booth during the Farm Progress Show were able to take in. Beyond that Luke was excited to share what is coming down the line in terms of technology.

“As soon as you come into our booth you are greeted by an option that really intrigues our families and our younger generation and that is the giant corn field that serves as a backdrop were we snap a picture. As you progress from there a big highlight for the crowd has been Pioneer Field 360, which is really our new precision agronomy tool working with growers to develop better productivity through better relationships.”

Listen to my interview with Luke here: Interview with Luke Davies

Jerry Harrington works with the agriculture trade media and publishes the Growing Point magazine for Dupont Pioneer customers. Also during the Farm Progress Show I spoke with him about how the companies focus on global relations has brought them to be long-time sponsors of Chuck & Cindy’s travels to the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists conference. Currently the duo is in Argentina taking in all that the country has to offer when it comes to agriculture.

“We are an international company. It makes all the sense in the world to help enhance the communications among journalists, not only those who cover within the US but in international boarders as well. It’s been our pleasure to sponsor Chuck Zimmerman’s trips to the international ag journalist conventions and we intend to do so long into the future.”

Listen to my interview with Jerry here: Interview with Jerry Harrington

Check out photos from the event here: 2013 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

Coverage of the 2013 Farm Progress show is sponsored by Bayer CropScience, Growmark and New Holland
Audio, Farm Progress Show, International, Pioneer