RFA Ethanol Podcast

Farm Foundation Tackles Rural Internet Connectivity

John Davis

farmfoundationlogo3Walk down the street in most major American cities today, it’s pretty easy to get a high-speed wireless Internet hook-up. But move away from the city lights and into rural America, and it’s a different story. Too many farms lack real access to the web … ironic considering how much more reliant agribusiness has become on the Internet. Our friends at Farm Foundation are tackling just this issue in their next forum, Wednesday, Sept. 11th from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. EDT at the National Press Club, in Washington, D.C. and through a live webcast:

Moderating the panel will be Iowa farmer Ann Jorgensen, a former member of the Board of the Farm Credit Administration, now working on rural economic development issues. Presenting perspectives on broadband issues will be:

Sharon Strover, the Philip G. Warner Regents Professor in Communication in the Radio-TV-Film Department at the University of Texas…

Jessica Zufolo, Deputy Administrator of USDA’s Rural Utilities Service…

Mark Lewellen, Manager of Spectrum Advocacy, Deere and Company…

John Windhausen, Executive Director of the Schools, Health and Libraries Broadband (SHLB) Coalition…

As I mentioned earlier, if you can’t be in DC to take part, you can still participate in this free forum by way of a live webcast. More information and registration are available on the Farm Foundation website.

Farm Foundation, Internet