RFA Ethanol Podcast

National Beef Educator of the Year

Jamie Johansen

cisc-13-bartholomayAdvocating seems to be the all buzz here is agriculture, but the key to advocating is education. Recently, during the 2013 Cattle Industry Summer Conference, the National Beef Educator of the Year Award was given to a woman who has gone above and beyond to talk beef wherever she travels.

Michelle Bartholomay, from southeastern North Dakota, operates a farm and ranch with her family. She told Chuck in an interview that she was honored to be recognized for doing something she absolutely loves to do. She has spoke to elementary and high school classes, Rotary groups and other organizations, seat mates on planes and anyone else who will listen to her wonderful story about beef.

She said, “The education on the beef industry isn’t a job, it’s a passion and a calling.” Information she shares is all fact based. She was selected to be on the National Beef Speakers Bureau, which utilizes USDA information and seeks NCBA and Beef Board resources as she prepares to educate consumers.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Michelle here: Interview with Michelle Bartholomay

Here are photos from the event:2013 Cattle Industry Summer Conference Photo Album

Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, Education, NCBA