Learning About FMC Products at AMS

Cindy Zimmerman

And now a few parting words from our AMS sponsor, FMC Corporation.

ams13-fms-daviesDavid Davies is product manager for some of FMC’s products for fruits, vegetables, and sunflowers. One of those products is BroadAxe. “BroadAxe is a pre-emergence herbicide aimed at the sunflower market,” said David. “It basically will give you really good control of kochia and broadleaf weeds, but in addition it will give you grasses as well, like foxtail.”

Another pre-emergence herbicide FMC is looking at launching in California for tree nuts is Zeus™ herbicide. “What it brings to the table is nutsedge control,” David explains. “In the tree nuts and grapes we will do a multi-year program in order to keep the nutsedge under control.” Zeus is already approved on asparagus, transplanted cabbage, sunflower, mint, horseradish and sugarcane with approvals on alfalfa, citrus, grapes, melon, pecan, pistachio, walnut, tomato and strawberry expected soon.

Listen to my interview with David from AMS here: Interview with David Davies, FMC Corporation

ams13-fmc-timTim Thompson talked about Cadet® herbicide/glyphosate tank mix from FMC. “Cadet’s going to give you extra kick in that tank mix when you’re applying post on corn and soybeans when you’re using Roundup,” he said. “It’s going to give extra help on lambsquarters and small-seeded broadleafs.”

Cadet has been on the market for three years and FMC has seen phenomenal growth in use for both corn and soybeans. “We do expect to see additional crops coming shortly – cereals, dry beans and sunflowers,” said Tim.

Listen to my interview with Tim from AMS here: Interview with Tim Thompson, FMC Corporation
2013 Ag Media Summit Photo Album

Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, Audio, FMC, weed management