2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Finding Tomorrow’s Leaders

Joanna Schroeder

One topic that has been top of mind this year during AgCareers.com Food & Ag HR Roundtable – how to recruit and retain top notch talent into the ag industry. The “Finding Tomorrow’s Leaders session focused on how and when to begin working with youth and students to introduce both agriculture, but also introduce your company to them. Another untapped market: veterans.

Ashley Collins AgCareersThe panel was moderated by Ashley Collins, AgCareers.com. She manages student outreach initiatives including student professional development in the workplace as well as corporate initiatives to help companies develop stronger student recruitment programs.

Dr Constance Hargrave Iowa State UShe was joined by Rod Hamilton, Christensen Farms; Dr. Constance Hargrave, Iowa State University who is the director of the SCIENCE BOUND program aimed at encouraging pre-college minority students to pursue degrees in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture and Math); and Dr. Pamala Morris with Purdue University.

Dr Pamala Morris Purdue UniversityDr. Morris focuses on reaching out to youth and adults, especially minorities and those living in urban environments. She noted that it’s hard to sell “ag” but if you introduce the industry in another, hip way, such as through the environment, youth are not only open to learning about the industry, but excited about it. She is working on a pilot program called the “Environmental Revolution” that she hopes to launch throughout Indiana aimed at middle-school aged kids.

Rod Hamilton Christensen FarmsHamilton stressed that states need to commit to keeping and adding ag classes and in Minnesota, they can now be used to fulfill science requirements.

One thing that all the panelists agreed upon: the industry really needs to step up its sizzle and showcase to youth why ag is hip.

Visit the AgCareers.com Ag & Food HR Roundtable photo album.

AgCareers, Agribusiness, Audio