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Vilsack Questions House Farm Bill

Cindy Zimmerman

vilsack-ifbAt the Iowa Farm Bureau 2013 Economic Summit on Monday, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack expressed some skepticism about the farm-only farm bill passed by the House.

“I’m not sure that what they’ve done up to this point is real or for show,” Vilsack told reporters after addressing the summit. He also wonders why the House leadership is delaying work on a conference committee until after they do something about nutrition. “Seems to me that conference process could begin now,” he said. “If we send a message that we’re just not ready to conference yet, it does raise the concern that what’s happened up to this point is not necessarily going to lead to a farm bill.”

Vilsack warned against yet another extension. “An extension basically acknowledges the failure to get things done,” said Vilsack. “If we don’t get it done now, the chances are that we won’t get it done.”

Vilsack address to IFB Economic Summit Vilsack press conference
Audio, Farm Bill, USDA