RFA Ethanol Podcast

Upcoming AgBiz of Kansas City Meeting

Talia Goes

the abckc logo (2)The Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City will hold a July meeting on the 18th from 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. The meeting will feature Brian Klippenstein, Protect the Harvest. Protect The Harvest was created to fight back and defend American families, farmers, hunters and animal owners from the growing threat posed by the radical animal rights movement. Brian will outline their mission to inform, protect, and respond regarding animal rights issues in agriculture.

The luncheon welcomes council members, guests, and those serving Kansas City’s agricultural industry this summer. Introducing Mr. Klippenstein will be Angie Stanland of the Cerner Corporation to discuss the advantages of choosing KC as a place to live and work.

To register click here.

Agribusiness, Events