RFA Ethanol Podcast

New Efforts for House Farm Bill

Cindy Zimmerman

House Democrats have officially introduced the Senate version of the farm bill as Republicans continue to mull their options.

Dave-LoebsackDemocrat representatives Dave Loebsack and Bruce Braley of Iowa, together with freshman Cheri Bustos of Illinois introduced HR 2498 with the exact text as the Senate Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act of 2013 which passed earlier this month on a vote of 66-23.

“After voting down the farm bill last week, the House must act quickly to move the farm bill process forward. The Senate voted in a strong bipartisan fashion to move the Farm Bill forward and it is time House leaders bring up this legislation and allow a vote on the bill,” said Congressman Dave Loebsack. “I know the Farm Bill is critical for Iowa’s farmers, rural communities and economy. While the Senate legislation is not perfect, Congress must provide our farmers and rural communities some certainty. Partisan bickering will only further delay enactment of a long-term Farm Bill.”

Meanwhile, House Republicans met on Wednesday in an effort to regroup after last week’s stunning defeat of the farm bill on the House floor. No official word on what they might do, just that they want to “do something.”

Farm Bill