2025 Agri-Marketing Conference


Cindy Zimmerman

ifamaAs this busy week on the agriblogging highway continues, I am leaving the last day of the American Seed Trade Association convention in the young but capable hands of our summer intern Maggie Seiler while I head to the 23rd World Forum of the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) in Atlanta.

This is an event we have never covered before but it definitely sounds like it will be interesting with the theme of
“The Road to 2050: The Talent Factor – Meeting Future Global Needs of Food and Agriculture.” Speakers will include executives from Monsanto, DuPont, National FFA, the National 4-H Council, Heifer International and more.

Incoming president of IFAMA is a man we know very well – Thad Simons, President & CEO of Novus International – so we are very much looking forward to talking with him about this group and its focus on developing the talent and technologies needed to create sustainable food security solutions.

As always, I will be uploading photos and audio here on AgWired and on AgNewsWire.AgWired.com which are available for download to use by the media. Should be some great content coming from this one!

Agribusiness, Food, Novus International