RFA Ethanol Podcast

Canadian Farm Writers Federation Plan Conference

Jamie Johansen

cfwftransparent2Canadian Farm Writers Federation (CFWF) is currently in the planning stages for a conference for members this fall. The event will be held October 3-6, 2013 at the world-famous Harrison Hot Springs Resort.

The Fraser Valley is one of the most densely cultivated areas in Canada. This compact region boasts the highest blueberry production in North America, Canada’s largest dairy farm, and a poultry sector leads the country in both population density and adoption of biosecurity. The Circle Farm Tours also make this area a leader in direct farm marketing and agri-tourism.

The bus tours will feature agriculture in and around Chilliwack, Abbotsford and Agassiz, as well as the first ever CFWF Cycle Farm Tour of farms, processors and research facilities in the Agassiz-Harrison area. Attendees can arrive early for the Thursday pre-tours: ‘Up the Creek’, a boat tour up the Fraser River, or ‘Round the Mountain’, a bus tour to the ranchlands of the Nicola Valley.

More details will be coming soon. Watch the CFWF Facebook Page for breaking news. Registration opens May 15, 2013 and if you have any questions, contact Tamara Leigh, tamara@shinybird.ca, 778-232-4036 or checkout their website.
