So what was it really like?

Melissa Sandfort

After listening to hours worth of stories from my grandfather about old farm machinery, hand tools and butchering livestock, it dawned on me I’d never asked the most generic question of the farmer sitting in front of me: What was it like to be a farmer back in the 30s and 40s?

And by that I mean, describe a typical day. When did it start and end and all the good things in between. I could see him looking for the best way to communicate that “feeling” in words and in a little over a minute interview (and a few cuts and edits on my part), he was able to sum it up like this:

Listen to Grandpa explain

I’m not sure that tells the whole story. That’s just the spine on the novel – the words and pages are written in the wrinkles on his hands and the crease in his brow as he recalls threshing season, hot/humid summer days, and the kindness of rural neighbors “back in the day”. That’s where the real story takes shape.

He talks about growth and change, so much of both he never dreamed he’d see in his lifetime (of course, his own father said that!). He says he’s still amazed that farmers have 2,000 acres when the typical farm size back then was 80-160 acres as that’s all they could manage.

He gazes out the picture window at the field across the road……..

Then chuckles in agreement when I say, “You ate such large meals but still managed to stay thin – that’s how hard you worked.”

Until we walk again …
