2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Diverse Herbicide Program Needed for 2013

Talia Goes

BASFCommon waterhemp, Palmer amaranth, giant and common ragweed, Italian ryegrass and marestail are all part of a growing group of yield-reducing “watch-out” weeds in the United States. With confirmed resistance to multiple herbicides, these species are top of mind for farmers this season.

According to the Weed Science Society of America, weeds cause more yield loss and add more to farmers’ production costs than insects, diseases, rodents, birds, and grazers, such as deer. Experts recommend farmers carefully manage any weeds – resistant or not – with herbicides that offer multiple sites of action, ensuring they don’t turn into the next crop of “watch-out” weeds.


“To keep ‘watch-out’ weeds in check, farmers should plan to use a herbicide program that effectively targets the weeds using herbicides with different sites of action,” said Luke Bozeman, Technical Market Manager, BASF (pictured left).

As an industry leader, BASF is dedicated to providing solutions, technical support and educational tools to help growers implement a weed resistance management program based on herbicide best practices. The BASF portfolio of solutions consists of herbicides targeting 12 different sites of action, more than any other company in the industry, for effective control of resistant weeds. This extensive line of herbicides also provides a multi-year rotational plan that allows growers to apply herbicides throughout the growing season to deliver the management flexibility today’s farmers need to drive success.

Agribusiness, BASF, weed management