This was a picture of the weather radar this morning … can you see the pin? That’s us. And by the time I sat down to write this post, it had started snowing and it’s really coming down. From what I’ve been hearing, it’s a slow-moving storm that dumps anywhere from 8-20 inches, but we’re ready.
The horse has a new bale and water, the skid loader with scoop is at home to plow the driveway, kids are home safe so no one has to drive to pick them up, we bought the last two gallons of milk at the store the other night and the pantry is stocked.
I declare “stay in jammies all day, watch movies and eat junk food day”!
Alas though, I’m working. In my jammies.
Happy snow day! (We need the moisture so as much as I dislike snow, I’m not going to complain. Maybe my son can use his sled he’s had for two years now and only used once.)
Until we walk again …