RFA Ethanol Podcast

Get Fields Clean Before Planting

Cindy Zimmerman

Monsanto Roundup Ready PlusWith spring planting just around the corner, Monsanto is encouraging growers to take planned, proactive steps to prevent and manage resistant and tough-to-control weeds.

Monsanto Roundup Ready Plus marketing manager Chris Reat says that means putting down residual herbicides. “Whatever the current status of your fields are, when we go to drop that plant in there we want to make sure that everything’s clean,” said Reat. “Then have that pro-active plan to use pre-emerge residuals down and multiple modes of action to allow that stand to get off to a good strong start and stay clean during that critical early period.”

Reat adds that using residual herbicides in combination with Roundup® agricultural herbicides provides multiple modes of action to help reduce the risk of resistant weeds developing and they encourage growers to apply full labeled rates of Roundup agricultural herbicides and all residual herbicides since lower rates can allow weed escapes, which may require a second trip to control, reduce crop yield and set seed for next season.

Listen to or download my interview with Chris here: Monsanto's Chris Reat
These and other weed management recommendations are part of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready PLUS Weed Management Solutions. Roundup Ready PLUS offers integrated and diverse management practices for weeds developed in conjunction with leading academics, agronomists and other industry partners for control of all your weeds, including tough-to-manage and glyphosate-resistant weeds. Roundup Ready PLUS also offers financial incentives to help farmers offset the cost of qualifying residual herbicides and other weed management resources.
For more information, please visit www.RoundupReadyPLUS.com.

Agribusiness, Audio, Farming, weed management