I have a neighbor up the road who has a giving heart. When we first moved in and got a stand of grass established, she’s the one who added color by bringing down about 15 5-gallon buckets full of a variety of flowers she’d dug up and transplanted from around their farm. When we added the landscaping around the front sidewalk, she brought down even more color. Color that other people have paid good money for!
I went to try to return the favor this weekend and you know the type – you try to do a good deed and end up leaving with more things than what you came with. You return a bowl, they send you home with lunch for the next day, some vegetable seeds for your garden and an invitation for dinner the next week!
Last week she had neck surgery (had plates fused together), but when I stopped by to drop off some books for her, the longer I stood there talking, the more likely I knew she’d be to find something to send home. So here are the goodies – a carton of home-grown eggs.
They’re brown, but don’t think anything of that. They all taste the same!
And at the end, she dropped in an invitation for my son to go visit the hen house some evening.
Sometimes I wish she’d just let me return the favor!
Until we walk again …