2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

NCBA Sustainability Press Conference

Jamie Johansen

cic-13-57-editedDuring the 2013 Cattle Industry Convention today NCBA held a press conference to announce the preliminary results of the Beef Industry Sustainability Assessment.

Dr. Kim Stackhouse, NCBA Director of Sustainability, shared how the beef checkoff-funded assessment is a holistic look at the entire beef value chain. This is the first time any food value chain has ever documented the economic, environmental and social fingerprint.

“This comprehensive analysis will provide a roadmap for the journey toward a more sustainable beef industry. The U.S. beef industry is one of the most complex biological, economic and social chains in the world. As such, measuring these complex, interrelated systems is difficult but critically important to the future stability and profitability of the industry.”

The assessment was conducted by NCBA, a contractor of the Beef Checkoff Program. BASF Corporation and the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service also played a huge role as sub-contractors to help assemble and interpret the data.

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Check out audio from the entire press conference: Sustainability Press Conference

You can find photos from the event here:Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show Photo Album

Audio, BASF, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, NCBA, USDA