RFA Ethanol Podcast

Understanding the Connections at IPPE

Jamie Johansen

ippe-13-228-editedConnecting the interests of the poultry industry sums of the theme Novus International adopted for this year’s International Production & Processing Expo held earlier this week in Atlanta, GA.

Today’s poultry industry faces multiple and often contradictory challenges to profitability. Between managing margins and servicing customers, every stakeholder in the supply chain is working to meet financial metrics, strict quality expectations and dynamic market demands.

Novus recognizes these challenges and is here to help turn them into opportunity. From our unique position, we understand the perspective of all stakeholders and can facilitate the connections needed to solve problems and meet customer demands.

During the event I talked with Scott Hine, Vice President of Product Management Operation for Novus. Scott shared how their goal is to challenge their processers to not only think about the feed mill and poultry operations, but to think of all operations and connect the dots between them.

Check out my complete interview with Scott: Interview with Scott Hine

You can find photos from the event here:International Production & Processing Expo Photo Album

Sponsored by Novus International Inc

Audio, IPPE, Novus International, Poultry, Video