2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

AG CONNECT Expo Keynote by James C. Borel

Chuck Zimmerman

James C. Borel AG CONNECT ExpoThe keynote address at the welcome session of the 2013 AG CONNECT Expo was provided by James C. Borel, Executive Vice President, Dupont.

The focus of his remarks was on the need to feed a growing population. He says that at Dupont their approach to global food security rests on four key principals. They include “Science is universal but solutions have to be local; collaboration is what really unlocks the answers that science can provide; science has to become local wisdom, know how has to be brought to the people and the places that need it most and solutions to feed a growing population have to be sustainable in the truest sense of the word, not only environmentally but also economically and socially.”

You can listen to or download keynote address from James here: Welcome Session Keynote from James C. Borel

2013 AG CONNECT Expo Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, Food