2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Managing Your Equipment Maintenance

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast 379There are lots of companies that have developed products or services without realizing how valuable they may be to the agricultural industry. In this week’s program we’ll meet one of them, eMaint Enterprises. I had an enjoyable conversation yesterday with Rona Palmer.

emaint logoWhen it comes to farming, eMaint offers farmers a system to keep track of equipment maintenance and it can be scaled from a one user, one tractor operation to a very large fleet operation. The first thing I learned is what CMMS stands for (see below). Rona says the system is very user friendly and that you don’t need a degree in computer management to use their service. Service plans start at $40/month. The service is managed by web browser access which you can do from any internet connected computer or tablet or smartphone. Find out some of the ways eMaint is helping a farmer’s bottom line in this week’s program.

eMaint Enterprises has been providing innovative CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management Software) solutions since 1986. eMaint was one of the first CMMS providers to develop a completely web-based “Software as a Service” (SaaS) model for more rapid implementation at a lower total cost of ownership.

Our growing client-base consists of over 16,000 users worldwide across 1,000 sites ranging from small & medium sized organizations to Fortune 500 corporations including manufacturers, service providers, fleet operators, energy and utility companies, health care facilities, universities, municipalities, and facility and property managers, among others.

Listen to this week’s ZimmCast here: Maintain Your Equipment with eMaint

Thanks to our ZimmCast sponsors, GROWMARK, locally owned, globally strong and Monsanto, Roundup Ready Plus, for their support.

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Audio, Equipment, Precision Agriculture, Technology, ZimmCast