2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Washington Update for Cotton Producers

Cindy Zimmerman

bwcc13-langeNational Cotton Council president and CEO Dr. Mark Lange gave his Washington update during the Beltwide Cotton Production Conference on Tuesday, explaining what the taxpayer relief act passed on New Year’s Day means for them with the extension of the 2008 Farm Bill.

“One thing they didn’t do was make any cuts,” Mark told me during an interview. “All that means is the next four year farm bill is going to have five years worth of cuts in it. That’s going to make coming to a good resolution about farm policy all the more difficult.”

The big problem is all of the major issues that Congress has to deal with in the next 60-90 days – including sequestration, debt ceiling and the budget. Mark says he is concerned with what the farm bill extension might mean for the WTO cotton trade issue with Brazil. “I know the U.S. government will be talking with the Brazilians in the next week or so and we should get some feedback,” he said.

Listen to my interview with Mark here: Mark Lange interview

Check out photos from the conferences here: 2013 Beltwide Cotton photo album


Audio, Beltwide Cotton, Cotton, FMC